Wednesday, March 30, 2011

New Kit Coming Soon!

Hello all!  I am slowly getting more time to design which has been GREAT!!  I have also gotten involved with my DD’s PTA and guess who gets the honor of designing the t-shirts! Yep Me!  Well hopefully anyhow.  I am not sure my program will save it in the proper format needed for the printer, but I’m keeping my fingers crossed.

I am really excited to be on the PTA.  I’ve meet a few of the moms so far and they all seem really great.  Plus, it’s a great way to learn about activities and happenings around town because mom’s know EVERYTHING!!

Okay, so now for what you really came here for!  The sneak peek!

Sneak Peek

I am still working on the name and will have it ready by Friday!  So don’t forget to come back and check it out!

And for stopping by today I have a little freebie for you.  It’s also in celebration that all my boxes are unpacked! YAY!!  I have a set of moving labels for you!

Moving Stickers


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing!