Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Sassy Birthday Fun Layout!!

Good Morning Blogger world!  I was so grouchy when I woke up this morning and just feeling plain down!  Then I dropped my kids off at preschool.  I LOVE to stay in my sons classroom because it's full of happy shiny little people who just love that you are there.  I get hugs and snuggles!  They love to show me what they are wearing and what book they are going to read.  All of them are vying for a little bit of my attention and even though they are only 3 in makes me feel special and wanted and just makes me smile.  So my recommendation to any of you having a bad day is to sit with a bunch of 3 year olds.  It works everytime!!  Now, on to the scrapbooking news!  I will be posting the last part of Sassy Birthday Fun later on today because I noticed a little mistake I want to fix.  So in the meantime, I have uploaded a layout I did with the kit.  Hope you enjoy it!

1 comment:

Kristi said...

Your designs are just gorgeous! I can't wait to start playing! Thank you!